This program enables you to get rid of virtually any unwanted message or dialog box.
Buzof anchors its icon in the system tray which, by default, is located at the bottom right of your desktop, and contains the system clock. You may invoke the application menu by right-clicking on the icon.
Just drag the cross hair icon and drop it onto the button you would normally click to dismiss the unwanted message, and let Buzof scan the desktop periodically to close the message if it appears again.
- Paused: Buzof will not answer messages when this item is checked.
- Options: Modify application options.
- Help: Display this window.
- About Buzof: Display information about this product.
- Close: Exit the application.
Global options:
- Scan desktop every: How often Buzof should check for messages.
- Paused: Stop checking for messages.
Operations log:
- Last message: The last message that was handled by Buzof.
- Total: A counter of all the messages that Buzof has handled.
Simple message management:
- Message handlers: Description of the message handlers added so far.
- Add (cross hair icon): Setup a new message handler by dragging the icon
and dropping it onto the button you would normally click to dismiss the message.
- Remove: Remove the message handler selected in the list.
- Test: Try to dismiss the message matching the handler selected in the list, if any.
Advanced message management (applies to the currently selected handler):
- Description: An easy to understand user-defined description.
The description text does not affect the scanning mechanism.
- Caption: The text in the title bar, if any.
Leave this field blank to have it ignored.
- Message: The text in the first standard Windows text field, if any.
Leave this field blank to have it ignored.
- Button: Text in the targeted button, if any.
This read-only field is provided for readability purposes only.
- Click method: Technique used to click the button.
If the "Normal" method doesn't work, try the others.
- Export All: Save the messages to a file named "Buzof.reg" in the application folder.
To import the messages into any computer, make sure that it is not running Buzof,
then run "Buzof.reg" from any location.
- Buzof releases preceding v1.2 do not support import operations.
- Existing messages are lost upon running "Buzof.reg".
- Do not edit "Buzof.reg"! Tampering with *.reg files or the registry in general may
cause irreversible damage to your system.
- Hide: Hide the options dialog box.
- Help: Display this window.
- Double-clicking the icon in the system tray toggles the visibility of the window.
- You can cancel while dragging by pressing the right mouse button.
- Press the ALT key before or while dragging to bring windows covered by Buzof to the front.
- If the window does not have a button, drop the icon over its title bar or its border.
- The predefined handlers are created automatically upon startup if none are defined.
- The text fields in the "Advanced" section can not display some special characters in their
original form due to normal technical restrictions. The most common examples are
underscored characters, which appear prefixed with the "&" symbol, and carriage returns,
which often translate to one or more "|" symbols.
- The application only compares the beginning of the caption and the message strings with
the corresponding text. Thus, if a message is of the form "Not enough space on drive C:",
you may delete the end of the string starting with the drive name to make Buzof respond
to this message for any drive.
- Results may vary from one application to another depending on how the application was
designed. Please contact us regarding cases that Buzof fails to handle.
(A) You would like to automatically close the Internet reconnection message box without causing it to dial-up:
1- Right-click on the application icon and choose "Options" from the pop-up menu.
2- Bring up the message box (by opening a browser while disconnected for example).
3- Drag the "Add" icon and drop it onto the button canceling the reconnection request.
4- Press the "Hide" button.
(B) You would like to automatically refuse Internet cookies sent by certain web sites:
1- Right-click on the application icon and choose "Options" from the pop-up menu.
2- Start a web browser and navigate to a web site that will attempt to send you a cookie.
3- When prompted to accept the cookie, Drag the "Add" icon and drop it onto the
message box button refusing the cookie.
4- Open the "Advanced" section of the application and delete the end of the message
starting with the cookie or the host name, whichever comes first.